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I provide counselling in a variety of ways, 1-2-1, face to face, online, through art assisted therapy, in groups doing art workshops. www.italkhawk.co.uk

Wednesday 7 September 2011


A mixed media piece, tissue paper, acrylic paint, gel pen, jigsaw pieces.
I had spotted the jigsaw at a local charity shop and loved the 'old' appearance of it. Everything was designed around the sepia tones, hoping for it to look, in completion, as if it all fit together in an aged theme. The writing on this is done with 'tonal' gel pens. I admit it, I have somewhat of an obsession - ASDA do a set of 36 for £3! Fantastic! Anyways, back to the journal page. This is more of a 'diary' page than some of the previous pages, but each paragraph is in a different pen, in a different orientation, all separate, all dealing with different parts of my day or, how I felt about certain aspects of my life.

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