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I provide counselling in a variety of ways, 1-2-1, face to face, online, through art assisted therapy, in groups doing art workshops. www.italkhawk.co.uk

Wednesday 7 September 2011

What I know to be true

A list of things I know to be true.
This is fun to do. It also allows you to express how YOU see the world, what YOU know to be true, it doesn't matter if the rest of the world agrees. If you KNOW it to be true that yellow jelly-babies are the worst thing ever to be invented then, it goes down here, It doesn't matter how daft, strong, silly, angry, upsetting it is. This is YOUR list of things you KNOW to be true. Nobody in the world might agree with you but, that does not matter. This is your list. As always, I wanted it to look nice so, done in an arty fashion. It ca be simply a list but, that's not me!

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