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I provide counselling in a variety of ways, 1-2-1, face to face, online, through art assisted therapy, in groups doing art workshops. www.italkhawk.co.uk

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Stuck for a subject?

If you're stuck for something to write about, a good source of inspiration is a random image. I found this one of a woman with very obvious teardrops. I wanted to incorporate it into an arty page too. So, I started with the image and imagined a story around it. I called it Veronica, and only planned to write one page around it but, ended up doing a part 2, there may well be a part 3, 4, 5........ who knows? It ended up, in some ways being autobiographical but, had enough of a distance for me to be able to let things out without becoming upset or angry.

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