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I provide counselling in a variety of ways, 1-2-1, face to face, online, through art assisted therapy, in groups doing art workshops. www.italkhawk.co.uk

Wednesday 7 September 2011


EEEk, one of the most scary things to do but, also one of the most useful ones. I HATE photos of mysef. I HATE looking in a mirror so, trying to draw something that looks exactly like me fills me with horror. However, after years of doodling, drawing and looking at images, the Stampotique stamps inspired a style in me that I really, really liked. I therefore tried a self-portrait in that kind of style. Remarkably, it looks somewhat like me or, at least I feel it does, and in a way that I am happy with.
GEL PEN - again. I think one of the reasons that I like gel pen is that if you make a mistake, you have to live with it or, incorporate it into your drawing. It stops that obsession with perfection that people tend to have with drawing and allows more focus on the overall picture.

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